Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

In 2023, are you interested in improving your data science skills but unsure of where to begin? This Article Will Cover It All! The author has gathered and researched 16 Comprehensive Free Courses with a combined duration of more than 100 hours.

Prepare to offer tips on utilizing Notion to manage your schedule and register for Coursera courses. Let’s explore the definition of data science first, though. Soon everyone will be able to see things clearly.


  • List of contents
  1. Data science definition
  2. Education Platforms
  3. Learner’s Advice
  4. Foundational Education
  5. Advancing Courses
  6. The Best Paid Website
  7. Describe data science.


The ability to deal with data requires a variety of knowledge, including hacking techniques, arithmetic and statistics, and domain expertise in the industry we operate in, such as marketing, finance, physics, medical, and more.

Personally, the author agrees with Drew Conway’s 2010 definition, which he prepared after showing a group of friends in New York City the Data Science Venn Diagram.

The idea of data science was unclear back then, and it’s still unclear at times now. Well, it’s still unclear.

The phrase “data science” is a little misleading. Numerous books would define data science differently if we opened them all. However, they all typically concur on the cross-disciplinary component, which calls for knowledge from diverse fields.

Drew Conway’s advice from more than 10 years ago still applies, though: anyone who wants to learn data science abilities must put in a lot of study and practice time. “One must learn a great deal.”

But it’s obvious that learning a lot is necessary. You cannot quickly learn and be proficient in data science abilities. because it necessitates having extensive knowledge. For those who are interested, Drew’s article below is something you should read. You can read that blog by downloading it as a PDF file. Reading it takes only five to ten minutes.

We enjoy seeing Facebook ads that promise you can work with data once you’ve finished a course. 5-8 hour short courses are being offered as a bait. Although there are many deceptive advertisements, we can comprehend the marketing strategy. Oops!

To start working on something legitimately at the Junior Level, at least 60 to 80 hours are needed. According to the following Venn Diagram, the course content must include everything from Basic Tools + Knowledge.

This article has already been put up by the author, saving you $100! Yay!

Soon, the complete Data Science article will be accessible. It is available for reading this month. However, consider reading the entire Career Guide here if you want to work as a data analyst.


e-learning platforms

Where should we therefore learn? On platforms with a worldwide scope, we will be learning.




Anybody can create a Free Account by using simply their own email. You must present an ID card or passport as identification proof on Coursera/edX if you wish to upgrade and receive a certificate.

These are the first 10 courses in the author’s list of Coursera courses. By selecting the “Free Audit” option, you can register at no cost. Anyone interested should first learn how to verify your ID.

Instructions for Free Coursera Enrollment:

Select “Enroll for Free” from the menu.

There will be a pop-up window. Simply select “Audit the course.” Done! You can receive free, unlimited education. You can subscribe and then upgrade if you want to.

You can’t take Graded Quizzes on Coursera if you are learning for free. Only the material can be read and watched. It’s worthwhile to simply watch the videos. The information is top-notch!

Learning Advice

The 16 courses the author looked into are split into Foundation and Intermediate levels, and the overall study time ranges from 6 to 12 months, depending on how much time is spent by each student.

You can easily finish them in 6 months if you dedicate 1-2 hours per day to studying. (Viewing movies, completing homework, and taking notes)

The order of learning is very important. Spreadsheets should be learned before SQL, and programming should be learned last. The author has painstakingly ordered the courses in the order that they are listed. Observe this order.

The author advises giving Notion a shot if you want to build a database and keep track of your courses. Use it for taking notes and summarizing as well. Make a second brain for yourself so you may keep reviewing the material.

Online Learning

Pick the Board View from the Notion Database. There are only three columns you’ll need: To-Do, In Progress, and Complete. You can move courses between columns by dragging them. The author suggests having no more than two courses open at once. Limit the amount of ongoing labor.

When you use Notion for documentation or notes, you can distribute a public link. When applying for jobs, you can include it as a mini-portfolio on your résumé. It’s really practical. All campers are encouraged to give this a try, according to the author.

Additionally, the author is presently developing a free Notion 101 course. You can enroll if you’re interested in learning. January 2024 will mark the start of the course. Yay!
Courses for Foundations

Let’s look at the eight Foundation courses listed below.

A foundational course example is “Data, Data, Everywhere”

The foundation for dealing with data is laid through foundational courses. Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, SQL (SQLite), and Tableau Public are among the tools that are taught. No further costs are necessary because all tools are free.

To learn and utilize, just Excel needs a license. The annual cost of Microsoft 365 Family is 2,899 Baht, and it can be used by 2–6 persons. Find somebody to share with; it’s much cheaper, like dividing the Netflix bill!

Data work fundamentals are covered in the Foundation courses. You’ll learn how to manipulate data using Microsoft Excel and the basic statistics that data analysts employ, as well as a little bit about programming R, Python, Shell, and Git.


Advanced Courses:

More advanced learning is provided via the 8 Intermediate courses.

Example of an Intermediate Course: Python Crash Course

starting with the data transformation Power Tools in Microsoft Excel, data analyst-useful statistics, and basic R, Python, Shell, and Git programming. The last piece is machine learning.

Part 2 takes more time to learn, but it’s worthwhile.

You will be able to understand basic ML jargon, develop simple R and Python programs, and collaborate with others via GitHub after completing Intermediate Courses.

You’ll have invested a reasonable amount of time—at least 100 hours spread out over six months—by the time you complete all 16 courses. In the words of Drew Conway, “One needs to learn a lot.”


The ideal paid-for platform is:

For people who are fully committed to taking online courses, want to study everything there is to know, and want to get certificates for resumes.


The author believes that Coursera Plus is the world’s best offer. There is no platform comparable to Coursera in Thailand. Honestly! (Emoji winking) In terms of price, caliber, and quantity of courses, it is the finest.


Basic math: Say each student pays 1,500 Baht for a Thai lesson. Taking 5 classes will cost you 7,500 Baht. With this one-time investment in Coursera, you can access more than 7,000 courses all year long. No limitations!

Program Plus Coursera

At 199 USD per year, Coursera Plus is a great deal.

If you pay annually, you have access to nearly 7,000 courses for free. It covers well-known institutions including Stanford, Wharton, Michigan, JHU, and others as well as Google, AWS, Microsoft, and Meta.


The advantages of Coursera vs DataCamp are:


  • More classes addressing topics including business, cloud computing, and data.
  • Quizzes, peer-graded assignments, and video-based instruction.
  • certificates that can be utilized to apply for jobs from renowned universities.
  • The price of Coursera’s new student annual discount has been reduced from $399 to $200. It’s a great offer. Don’t pay the full amount! The deadline for this promotion is January 14, 2023.
  • An illustration of the Coursera x Google certificate in Google Data Analytics. You’ll obtain a specialized certificate after finishing all 8 courses, which you can use right away when applying for jobs. Impressive!
  • Certified in Google Data Analytics
  • Coursera only offers instruction in English. Open the subtitles to read them.

You get to practice your language abilities while you learn here. Please feel free to leave a comment on this article if you have any difficulties while enrolling. The writer will answer. Let’s all work together to grow and learn!

By admin

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